Canoe Campout
Troup 895 went camping at Golden Rock Compound and canoed over 10 miles down the Shenandoah River.

Tags: Camping And Outings
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Troup 895 went camping at Golden Rock Compound and canoed over 10 miles down the Shenandoah River.
Tags: Camping And Outings
Our first campout with the new scouts at Blue Ridge Regional Park.
Tags: Camping And Outings
The troop enjoyed the warm weather this weekend, practicing their backpacking skills with a campout at Marsden Tract and a 12 mile hike along the C&O Canal and the Potomac River.
Tags: Camping And Outings
The first overnighter of the new year was a lock-in at Vertical Rock climbing center. Scouts and adults had a great time!
Tags: Camping And Outings
Thank you to the Arlington County Fire Department and Falls Church Volunteer Fire Department for hosting the troop for a visit to the Falls Church fire station Monday night! Our scouts really enjoyed talking with the firefighters, seeing the gear and vehicles, and learning about fire safety and how the fire department responds to fires.
Tags: Camping And Outings
Scouts in trees! June’s campout was a fun overnighter at The Adventure Park at Sandy Spring.
Tags: Camping And Outings
April adventures, part 2 – scouts spent the day at the US Naval Academy, participating in a STEM Jamboree organized by the midshipmen’s National Eagle Scout Association club. A long but fun day.
Tags: Camping And Outings
April adventures, part 1 – camping at Pohick Bay. Fun weekend included miniature golf, rain, and snakes!
Tags: Camping And Outings
First spring campout, at Elizabeth Furnace. It was 60 degrees when we arrived Friday evening, 18 degrees when we woke up Sunday morning! Yeah, it was cold. Scouts hiked and worked on the camping merit badge.
Tags: Camping And Outings
For our first campout of the new scout year, the troop went canoe camping along the south fork of the Shenandoah River.
Tags: Camping And Outings